Welcome to the Canada Section of California Skywatch
Many people, who live in Canada, have contacted Skywatch from time-to-time with articles, photographs, and other information which they felt were important. Those with Questions about the loss of Blue Skies in Canada have been more numerous than any other topic with the exception of tree decline issues.
One area of great concern are the persistent jet contrails which criss-cross Canada preventing direct sunlight from reaching the Earth. Skywatch has placed two photographs below, taken this year in Canada, as examples of the aviation-produced atmospheric geoengineering programs which are ongoing in Canada.
Canada Man-Made Clouds - Sky View over Veterans Memorial Highway on February 2, 2012 Victoria, B.C. Click on image to see full size. |
The Canadian Government, just like the United States Government (and its elected officials), are ignoring this issue. And they are ignoring the enormous amount of data which shows that this type of aviation-produced atmospheric geoengineering has increasing detrimental environmental and human health consequences.
California Skywatch has been conducting research into all types of atmospheric programs since April 27, 2002. You will find the results of this investigation listed in the Categories Section of this website. The Canada section of this website will be updated with new information as it is sent to us from Canadian residents...we also encourage Canadians to send us sky photographs, unusual weather reports, and other information.
California Skywatch has been communicating for years with some very special people from Canada. And they have provided so much research and other assistance over the years...not only in keeping the California Skywatch Website updated and operating for years...but also in sharing information...and so much more. Many of us have never met in person and yet we share many common goals, values, and the same man-made skies. A Special Thank You from California Skywatch.
The information you will find below covers a wide variety of subjects. There are other sections of this website which more fully detail many of these issues. If you find information that needs updating or new information that you would like to share please contact California Skywatch. (We are looking for unusual weather events, tree declines, loss of honey bees, weather modification programs or experiments, and related information with regard to health issues.)
Weather Events
52D 2006 Canada LA Times March 14, 2006 Canada Warmer Records.pdf
Genetically Modified Seeds - Foods - Trees - Plants
52G 2009 Monsanto Canada Monsanto Trait Processor Acceptance Chart October 20, 2009.log
52G 2011 Monsanto Canada DEKALB Choose Your Region on the Map Website FEB 24, 2011 GE Crops.pdf
52G 2011 Monsanto Canada DEKALB on the March Across Canada Website March 24, 2011.pdf
52G 2011 Monsanto Canada Grain Channeling Seeds + Trails Website FEB 24, 2011.pdf
52G 2011 Monsanto Canada Roundup Ready Information on GE Products February 24, 2011 Website.pdf
52G 2011 Monsanto Canada Technology Use Guide 2011 Genetically Modified Seeds+Crops.pdf
Health Issues
52H 1999 Canada Potential Health Risks-Report Radio Frequency Study March 1999.pdf
52H 2007 Canada Herbicides The Gazette Studies Health Effects August 22, 2007.pdf
52H 2009 Canada Citizens Win Water Protection Victory September 22, 2009 The Star News.pdf
52H 2011 Royal Commission 23 Report Listings on Environmental Pollution Website July 28, 2011.pdf
52H 2011 Royal Commission on Environment Planning RCEP Website July 28, 2011.pdf
Aviation Impacts on the Environment
NASA noted in an October 2005, newsletter that increasingly persistent jet contrails may turn into man-made clouds that are "…trapping warmth in the atmosphere and exacerbating global warming…” NASA goes on to state that “…any change in global cloud cover may contribute to long-term changes in Earth’s climate. Contrails, especially persistent contrails, represent a human-caused increase in the Earth’s cloudiness, and are likely to be affecting climate and ultimately our natural resources…”
52I 1987 Clouds Jet Releases Vapor Clouds Abstract December 21,1987 United States Air Force.pdf
52I 2000 Alaska Influence of Aviation Traffic on High Level Cloudiness Report November 17, 2000.pdf
Atmospheric Experiments
52IN 2009 NISSE Ionospheric Experiment H2O Released Nordic Rocket Seeding-March 10, 2009.pdf
52IN 2009 NISSE Ionospheric Water Experiment March 12, 2009 NISSE 2009.pdf
52IN 2009 NISSE March 12, 2009 Ionospheric Water Experiment via Rocket Seeding.pdf
Aviation Issues Continued...
52IR 2003 The Environmental Effects of Civil Aircraft in Flight EurActiv February 11, 2003 News.pdf
Aviation + Rockets = Water Vapor Issues (Water Vapor is a Greenhouse Gas)
52IW 2005 Report Indicates Water Vapor is Rapidly Warming Europe NOV 5, 2005 Science Daily News.pdf
52IW 2010 NOAA Stratospheric Water Vapor is Warming Wild Card-Greenhouse Gas SDNews FEB 1, 2010.pdf
52IW 2010 NOAA Study Water Vapor+Clouds=Warming SDNews October 15, 2010 See Graph.pdf
52IW 2010 Water Vapor is a Greenhouse Gas DOE ARM Climate Research Study 2010.pdf
52IW 2010 Water Vapor Research-A Greenhouse Gas - Cooling+Heating of the Atmosphere 2010.pdf
52IW2007 ENN News Spetmeber 29, 2007 Increasing Atmospheric Moisture-Human Activities.pdf
52IZ 2011 Environmental Impact of Aviation Wikipedia July 28, 2011.pdf
Trees & Forests
52K 2005 Canada Pelagic Fish December 1, 2005.pdf
52K Canada News 10,000+Birds Found Dead in Manitoba _ Before It's News January 2, 2011.pdf
52K Canada Polar Bear Trophy Hunting Should be Made Illegal April 25, 2009.pdf
52P 2005 Canada Jet Contrails Toronto 2005 Pictures.pdf
52P 2010 Canada Calgary Sunrise November 5, 2010http___www.cbc.pdf
52P 2011 Canada Sky Photograph by Estee Take on July 27, 2011 Second Photograph.pdf
52P 2011 Canada Sky Photograph by Estee Take on July 27, 2011.pdf
52PZ 2006 Toronto Star Photo Department Code of Ethics January 12, 2006.pdf
52PZ 2010 The Toronto Star VideoZone Website June 26, 2010 Featured+More.pdf
Natural Resources
Natural Gas - Shale Oil - Other Pollution Issues
52Q 2009 NYTimes May 18, 2009 Canada Oil Sands-Natural Gas vs Environment.pdf
52Q 2010 Alberta, Canada Tar Sands Pollution+Environmental Destruction February 2010 by Power.pdf
52Q 2010 NYTimes May 18, 2009 Canada Oil Sands-Natural Gas vs Environment.pdf
52Q 2011 Canada Liquefied Natural Gas LNG Map June 26, 2011 General Information.pdf
52Q Canada 2010 NYTimes May 18, 2009 Canada Oil Sands-Natural Gas vs Environment.pdf
Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Cell Phones
52S 2010 Canada-Achieving the Gold Standard-Data Protection for the Smart Grid June 2010 Report.pdf
52SZ 2011 The Problem with SMART Grids Energy Bulletin March 18, 2011.pdf
Upper Atmospheric Experiments
52U 2003 ACE Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Spectroscopy 2003 Frontiers.pdf
52U 2003 ACE Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Spectroscopy Winter 2003 Frontiers.pdf
52U 2004 ACE Canadian Satellite Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Ozone-Polar Regions 2004.pdf
52U 2009 Canada September 12, 2009 Ozone Research http___spaceflightnow.pdf
There are many Atmospheric Experiments that are proposed (more Geoengineering Schemes), and ongoing (Weather Modification - Jets Producing Man-Made Clouds, etc...), that are having an impact on Canada, Alaska, and the Arctic. One of the most prominent is the Negative Impact of Aviation on the Global Atmosphere. More and more reports and studies by NASA and many universities are demonstrating the Aviation is now having a warming effect on these areas.
The United States, Canada, other countries, major energy producers like Shell Oil, Exxon, and others have for years wanted to Exploit the Natural Resources in these areas. As long as these areas remained frozen these companies, various governments, the shipping industry, many governments, and the U.S. Military could not use or exploit these areas. Now with drastic warming in these areas underway a new cold war between many countries is underway in the fight to claim and financially exploit these areas. (The U.S. and Russian Military are moving into these areas to stake out claims according to recent news and television reports.)
Since 2004, California Skywatch has believed that there were a variety of programs developed in the mid-to-late 1980s, would artificially warm these areas. It is possible that HAARP programs in Alaska and aviation-induced warming of both Alaska and the Arctic have been planned for more than 30 years. The various methods have now been almost perfected and are in operation in these areas to increase warming in order to exploit the natural resources located in these regions.
There will be no effort to stop these programs and reduce the aviation impacts in these areas because a frozen Alaska or Acrtic would stop cold all exploitation efforts. We also know from new NASA data and a recent study (Released in July 2011), that the global warming computer model estimates were erroneous with regard to future dire predictions of catastrophic warming. How is all of this information related?
The scenario was to predict, using only computer models (not hard facts and data), that global warming was upon us and that if we did nothing catastropic warming would occur destroying life on Earth as we know it. Therefore, money market "Cap & Trade" Ponzi schemes, geoengineering schemes, carbon taxes, and other related market schemes driven by Venture Capitalists and a handful of so-called climate scientists, were introduced in the United States and around the world to scare the public into accepting and funding these experiments.
Inaccurate Computer Models, not hard real data, were allegedly used by former President Al Gore and a small, select group of Geoengineering Climate scientists, who became almost the only driving forces pushing Cap & Trade Ponzi Schemes, carbon taxes, and Geoengineering Schemes on an unsuspecting amd gullible public. (Al Gore and several of these Climate Scientists are alleged to own or have invested in Venture Capitalist companies or endeavors, and may have, or are currently, financially benefitting from the implementation of these schemes.)
Hidden from public view are ongoing atmospheric experiments and the use of aviation-driven and other programs to warm Alaska, the Arctic, and areas in many foreign countries which could only be exploited if these regions were artificially melted using artifiicial warming methods like aviation-induced clouds and water vapor releases through jet engine combustion and other methods.
Weather modification programs are ongoing in over 50 countries including the United States and Canada. These programs may also be used to change the climate enough to induce flooding (rain or snow enhancement techniques), in some areas or drought and warming in certain areas of the world through cloud and fog dissipation methods. In any event the disruption of the Earth's jet stream and normal weather cycling around the world have been allegedly disrupted by the implementation of various atmosheric and weather altering experiments.
We are currently living inside many of these experiments in which we, the public, and the Earth are the guinea pigs. Whether genetically modified or factory foods are on our menu or the atmosphere, and our weather, is being modified by atmospheric experiments...all of us are now living within these uncontrolled and unethical experiments.
We are now suffering the consequences of these pursuits and are being ignored as more of these experiments are planned for our future by unethical wealthy individuals, corporations, groups, universities, government agencies, military warriors in pursuit of more "Shock & Awe" type horrors, and others who lost their moral and ethical compass. The pursuit of money, power, fame, technological glory, enforced globalization in a new world order, and ego driven glorification are some of the driving forces. The public, the Earth, our living environment with the miracles that surround us, are all expendable today in this new world view. Only the experiment itself, in this limited view of our world, is important if it can be exploited for some egotistical gains, power or money.
It is "Food for Thought" about issues which all of us will be faced with sooner or later. The more information we have and the more we know about these issues, the less likely that we will allow others to exploit us and our environment.
52V 2008 Canada Arctic Melting August 27, 2008 Government Pollution.pdf
52V 2008 Canada BBC News July 30, 2008 Canadian Arctic Ice Melt.pdf
52V 2009 Canada Unveils Arctic Strategy July 26, 2009 CBCNews Canada.pdf
52V 2010 Battle for the Arctic Heats Up August 20, 2010 CBC News Canada.pdf
Air - Water - Soil Pollution
52W 2008 Canadian Dumpsite Planned Above Pristine Groundwater December 16, 2008 News.pdf
Government Actions
52X 2007 Canada Government Make Deal With CIA July 3, 2007 CTV.CA.pdf
52X 2009 Canada CBC News Security, Privacy Issues Abound Enhanced Driver's Licences May 15, 2009.pdf
52X 2011 Canada Kept U.S. Border Talks Under Wraps FEB 8, 2011 The Star-Canada News.pdf
52X 2011 Declaration by U.S. + Canada February 4, 2011 Shared Perimeter Economic-Security.pdf
52XZ 2008 Canadian ISPs Censorship Plans August 2008 American Free Press.pdf
Nuclear Power
No Comment
52Z 2011 Conair Aviation Canada Website Who They Are February 3, 2011.pdf
52Z 2011 Conair Aviation Home Page February 3, 2011 Canada http___www.conair.pdf
52Z 2011 Conair Aviation Partners in Service Website February 3, 2011 Canada.pdf
52Z 2011 Conair Aviation Photograph Gallery Website February 3, 2011 Canada.pdf
52Z 2011 Conair Aviation Safety Website February 3, 2011 Canada.pdf
52Z 2011 Conair Aviation Services Website February 3, 2011 Canada.pdf
52Z 2011 Conair Aviation Website Operations-Aerial Firefighting February 3, 2011 Canada.pdf
52Z 2011 Conair Aviation Website Team February 3, 2011 Canada.pdf
52Z 2011 No Comment List of Royal Canadian Air Force Stations Wikipedia February 12, 2011.pdf
What Happened to Canada's Blue Skies? The two photographs taken below in Canada on July 27, 2011, answer this question. Aviation-generated Man-Made Clouds now obscure our Blue Skies on an almost daily basis in many areas of both the United States and Canada. A massive Atmospheric Geoengineering project is underway and reducing the amount of direct sunlight reaching the Earth.
Canada Skies - Jul 27, 2011
Canada Skies - Jul 27, 2011
Canada Skies August 7, 2011
Canada Skies August 7, 2011
Canada Skies August 7, 2011
August 22, 2011
Victoria, Canada
"Strangest Evening Sky Ever Seen in Victoria, BC - Canada"
September 3, 2011
July 3, 2008 Werner Boch. Click on photo to start video.
2011 Werner Boch, Farmers Ordeal. Click on photo to start video.
2011 Werner Boch, Farmers Ordeal part 2. Click on photo to start video.
2011 Werner Boch, Farmers Ordeal part 3. Click on photo to start video.
2011 Werner Boch, Farmers Ordeal part 4. Click on photo to start video.
Canada missile shield, NORAD. Click on photo to start video.
Canada Man-Made Skies April 15, 2012
Canada Man-Made Skies April 15, 2012
Canada Man-Made Skies April 15, 2012
Canada Man-Made Skies April 15, 2012
May 5, 2012 Vancouver Island - Canada Moon Photograph
"The Huffington Post - Canada - WASAGA BEACH, Ontario "...As many as 6,000 dead birds have washed up on the shores of Georgian Bay in Ontario, say authorities, who believe botulism may be to blame. Ontario Provincial Police Const. Peter Leon said Saturday the number of dead waterfowl is estimated to be between 5,000 and 6,000. The dead birds are scattered along a nearly three-kilometre stretch north of the community of Wasaga Beach, said Leon. Federal and provincial officials believe the cause of the death is a form of botulism, apparently from the birds eating dead fish, he said. Ministry of Natural Resources officials did not immediately return requests for information Saturday, but just two weeks ago they issued a news release saying the death of large numbers of fish and wildlife on the Great Lakes is not uncommon at certain times of the year. Georgian Bay is on Lake Huron..."
July 1, 2012 Canada Photograph by Estee
July 1, 2012 Canada Photograph by Estee
July 1, 2012 Canada Photograph by Estee